• Telephone: 214 469 5645
  • Email us: info@themajestichome.com
  • Working Hours: 09:00-17:00

Price Your Project

What is the nature of your project? (Get 5% OFF the price per additional job for multiple-job projects)

Floor Area 1

Choose your new product:

Carpet Tile Vinyl Laminate Eng. Wood Solid Wood

How many square feet?
( Actual area size or as close as you think)

What do you have on your floors now?

Nothing Carpet Tile Vinyl Laminate Eng. Wood Solid Wood

How many square feet?
( Actual area size or as close as you think)

Total Price
  • This estimate includes the price of material, installation, take up and tax.
  • The estimated price is in general, yet it is given to the closest pricing of the market today which might be 5-10% more or less.
  • This is an estimated price that might be subject to change as per actual measurements visit by us.